8 tips for skin beauty you need to know

8 tips for skin beauty you need to know

The skin begins aging in earnest from the mid to late 20s. I feel that the skin surface is drier than before and the skin color is dull. In the new year, you have to be as sensitive to your skin age as you are one year older. This is especially true for women in their late 20s who are beginning to notice signs of aging. In response, Health magazine Health in the United States introduced skin health tips that young women should know. It is a skin health care method that women should keep in mind when collagen and elastin secretion begins to decrease.
◆ Retinoids = Retinoids containing retinol (a type of vitamin A) work to promote collagen production. Fine lines and pigmentation on the skin's surface help to relieve and maintain elasticity. However, it should not be forgotten that this is not something that can happen overnight and must be applied continuously.
◆ Eye Cream = One of the first areas where soft, tender skin, the eye area, begins to appear when you are old. This is because wrinkles occur, the skin tone darkens, and it often swells. It is good to start applying it at a young age, as it should be started before the wrinkles on the eyes are wrinkled so that the aging delay can be delayed more clearly.

◆ Ultraviolet rays blocking = It is the sunscreen that experts emphasize that it must be applied for skin health. Regardless of whether it is a summer with intense sunlight or a chilly winter like these days, it should be applied every day. With age, skin aging progresses naturally, but environmental factors such as ultraviolet light are the main culprit for increasing skin aging. In order to avoid photoaging of the skin getting old in the sun, you should apply sunscreen that can block UV rays A and B at the same time.

◆ Water Moisture = To keep the skin moist and soft, it must contain sufficient moisture not only on the skin surface but also inside the body. Drinking plenty of water every day is a prerequisite for creating shiny skin. In addition, moisturizing cream should be applied generously to the skin. After taking a shower, the oil on the skin's surface is washed off and becomes more dry, so you need to apply a lotion containing ceramide.

◆ Glycolic acid and salicylic acid = When dead skin cells, dead skin cells, accumulate on the skin's surface, the skin color becomes dull and pores and fine lines become more prominent. Also, when skin aging starts, the rate of skin regeneration slows down, so it is necessary to clean the surface of the skin through artificial force. Gently rubbing the skin's surface with an exfoliant containing glycolic acid and salicylic acid will help prevent light pigmentation and create a shiny skin.

◆ Regular exercise = There are research reports that skin tightening can be improved by strenuous exercise twice a week. Since exercise has the effect of improving overall health, it also prevents skin changes caused by abnormal health. You can expect this effect by exercising 30 minutes three times a week.

◆ Avoid rough face =Skin's ability to retain moisture decreases with age. Therefore, if you wash your face too often or wash the oily oil excessively and evaporate the moisture, wrinkles become easier. Washing by gently scrubbing with mild cleansing agent in lukewarm water may delay the progress of aging.

◆ Reducing sugar intake = High sugar intake can cause skin irritation or worsening of injection costs (strawberry nose). Conversely, reducing your sugar intake and increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants will help improve your skin tone.


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